Neural Search Quickstart for OpenSearch
Going from zero to Neural Search in under 5 minutes.
Using npm Workspaces with Docker
Demonstrating a solution for using npm workspaces with Docker.
Internal Developer Platform Misses the Mark
The local development environment should be considered as a component of the Internal Developer Platform.
RabbitMQ Exchange and Queue Playground in Docker
A simple playground and example code for getting up and running with RabbitMQ in Docker with amqplib and Docker Compose.
Docker for Next.js and Beyond with Hot-Swappable Containers
Demonstrating the stages of development, testing, deployment, and long term support with Docker multi-stage builds, Docker Compose, and GitHub Actions.
Advanced Docker Patterns for Local Development
How multi-stage builds, yaml merges, and some creativity can overcome the complexity that Docker brings to local environments for larger organizations.
Unsupported: OpenSearch Migrations
Stop using OpenSearch Dashboards to manage your indices.
Opensearch Migrations for Node.js Applications
Leveraging existing libraries to bring migration tooling to Opensearch with Javascript.